


本次国际会议将紧扣“Modeling and Simulation for a Sustainable World”这一主题,聚焦地理建模与模拟的新思想、新方法、新技术以及新解决方案等议题,深入探讨它们在可持续发展领域的应用与挑战。会议将安排主题报告、分组研讨和论文竞赛等活动,并颁发国际地理联合会(International Geographical Union, IGU)地理信息建模杰出成就奖和优秀青年学者奖。我们特别邀请从事地理建模与模拟、可持续发展等研究方向的专家学者及研究生参会,共同研讨在可持续发展背景下地理建模与模拟的前沿问题、热点议题及其应用发展方向。



  • 时间:2024 年 10 月 25-27 日
  • 地点:南京师范大学随园校区(江苏省南京市鼓楼区宁海路122号)



本届地理建模与模拟国际研讨会共设有15个分会场,其中我团队 姚尧老师 将在 分会场4:Intelligent Modeling and Simulation of Trajectory Big Data 担任分会场组织者。

  • 分会场1:
  • Advancing Sustainable Urban Planning in Spatial Digital Twin Paradigm – Framework and Case Studies
  • Organizers:
  • Qian (Chayn) Sun, Associate Professor, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

  • 分会场2:
  • Intelligent Simulation of Spatiotemporal Processes
  • Organizers:
  • Zeqiang Chen, Professor, China University of Geosciences
  • Chunxiao Zhang, Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences

  • 分会场3:
  • Theories, Methodologies and Applications of Earth System Model
  • Organizers:
  • Jian Liu, Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Liang Ning, Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Weiyi Sun, Doctor, Nanjing Normal University

  • 分会场4:
  • Intelligent Modeling and Simulation of Trajectory Big Data
  • Organizer (s):
  • Yao Yao, Professor, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
  • Zipei Fan, Professor, Jilin University
  • Ding Ma, Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University

  • 分会场5:
  • Modeling and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Use For Sustainable Development
  • Organizers:
  • Walter Timo De Vries, Professor, Technical University of Munich
  • Xufeng Cui, Associate Professor, Zhongnan University
  • Meimei Wang, Associate Professor, Lanzhou University
  • Basanta Paudel, Researcher, Nepal Geographical Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • 分会场6:
  • Digital Twin in Urban Informatics
  • Organizers:
  • Xintao Liu, Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Zidong (Martin) Yu, Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • 分会场7:
  • Urban Simulation With Artificial Intelligence Methods
  • Organizers:
  • Yimin Chen, Professor, Sun Yat-sen University
  • Guangzhao Chen, Doctor, Sun Yat-sen University

  • 分会场8:
  • Modeling and Simulation Systems and Tools
  • Organizers:
  • Fengyuan Zhang, Associate Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Zaiyang Ma, Doctor, Nanjing Normal University

  • 分会场9:
  • Process-oriented Geographical Analysis and Simulation
  • Organizers:
  • Haiping Zhang, Assistant Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Peichao Gao, Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University
  • Xingxing Zhou, Assistant Professor, College of Information Engineering

  • 分会场10:
  • Modelling and Simulating the Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in the Himalayan Region: Insights, Impacts, and Prospects
  • Organizers:
  • Pankaj Kumar, Associate Professor, University of Delhi
  • Manish Kumar, Associate Professor, Central University of Haryana

  • 分会场11:
  • Geomorphology Modeling and Application for DDE
  • Organizers:
  • Liyang Xiong, Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Xianyan Wang, Professor, Nanjing University
  • Haopeng Geng, Professor, Lanzhou University
  • Michael Meadows, Professor, University of Cape Town

  • 分会场12:
  • Big Data Analytics Modeling, Simulation, and AI in Health Geography
  • Organizers:
  • Yilan Liao, Associate Research Professors, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research-CAS
  • Wei Luo, Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
  • An Zhang, Associate Research Professors, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research-CAS

  • 分会场13:
  • Geospatial Data Analysis for Sustainable Development
  • Organizers:
  • Yang Li, Associate Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Jiaxin Jin, Professor, Hohai University
  • Haijing Shi, Associate Professor, Northwest A&F University

  • 分会场14:
  • Hydrological Modeling in Changing Environments
  • Organizers:
  • Qiang Dai, Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Jun Zhang, Associate Professor, Nanjing Normal University

  • 分会场15:
  • Interactions among Sustainable Development Goals: Assessment, Modeling, and Policy Implications
  • Organizers:
  • Min Cao, Professor, Nanjing Normal University
  • Junze Zhang, Doctor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Jian Lin, Professor, Nanjing Normal University



  • 南京师范大学地理科学学院
  • 虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室
  • 国际地理联合会地理信息建模委员会


  • 国际华人地理信息科学协会
  • 国际环境建模与软件学会
  • 中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会
  • 国际数字地球协会教育与数字地球能力建设委员会
  • 江苏省地理信息资源开发与应用协同创新中心
  • 国家地球系统科学数据共享服务平台长江三角洲科学数据中心
  • 南京师范大学环境学院


  • 提交摘要截止日期:2024年9月10日
  • 注册开始日期:2024年6月1日
  • 早鸟注册截止日期:2024年9月15日

为进一步激励研究热情、表彰优秀研究成果,经组委会研究,特设立“第三届地理建模与模拟国际研讨会优秀论文奖”。申请优秀论文奖的作者必须提交论文全文(5000-8000 字),在投稿系统中选择“Apply for Excellent Paper Award”选项,且投稿论文必须是未发表的原创作品,严禁抄袭。评奖委员将根据论文的原创性、重要性、技术质量以及与所选主题的相关性进行严格评估,优秀论文经作者同意推荐到Environmental Modelling & Software,Annals of GIS,Information Geography。


