会议日程 | 中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2023年学术年会
Extract the pickpocketing information implied in built environment by treating it as the anomalies
Title: Extracting the pickpocketing information implied in the built environment by treating it as the anomaliesAbstractThe practice of crime risk map
Unsupervised land-use change detection using multi-temporal POI embedding
Unsupervised land-use change detection using multi-temporal POI embedding
喜报 | 我团队在GIS领域国际权威期刊《TGIS》发表论文并选为封面文章
近日,我团队姚尧老师和2020级硕士冯晨琦同学等人合作完成的研究论文“A site selection framework for urban power substation at micro‐scale using spatial optimization strategy and geospatial big data”,被地理信息系统领域权威SSCI期刊《Transactions In GIS》选为2023年度第27期的封面论文。
Incorporating multimodal context information into traffic speed forecasting
Title: Incorporating multimodal context information into traffic speed forecasting through graph deep learning
Street-level traffic flow and context sensing analysis through semantic integration
Title: Street-level traffic flow and context sensing analysis through semantic integration of multisource geospatial data
Impact of Human-scale Street Space Quality on Walking to School by School-age Children:A Case Study of Beijing